Broad Topics 08: Madi Piller Screening and Talk
LOMAA’s Broad Topics is excited to continue this series on femme-spectrum Canadian media artists with Madi Piller’s screening “Memories Re-Surfaced.” Piller will be in attendance and will speak on her work and practice with a Q&A to follow the screening. This event is presented in partnership with LOMAA’s Frames series.
Saturday March 2, 2019 | London Fringe Theatre – 207 King Street
Doors Open at 6:30pm
Admission by Donation (suggestion of $3-$5 but no one is turned away!)
Memories Re-Surfaced
Works by Madi Piller
The films are drawn from family memories and spaces revisited in film textures and poetry.
7200 Frames Under The Sun, 3:20 minutes, 2011, dual projection, Super 8, digital projection
Graffiti, 2 minutes, 2003, 16mm
Film on Film, 03:24, 2014, Super 8, digital sound > HD
The Shifting Sands, 09:26, 2018, 16mm
Untitled, 1925 (Trilogy), 26min, 2018, 16mm > HD
Preview work on progress –(Not Moldova, 1937), 13 minutes, 2019, 16mm> HD
Into the Light: The Film Resistance 03:42 minutes, 2016, 35mm > HD
Madi Piller is a filmmaker, animator, programmer and independent curator currently living and working in Toronto, Canada. Her abstract, nonrepresentational and poetic images are drawn from film explorations in Super 8, 16mm and 35mm, as well as photography and video. The resulting imagery is strongly influenced by diverse animation techniques and styles. Madi’s films have been screened at film festivals, alternative spaces and contemporary art venues nationally and internationally including TIFF Wavelengths, the Festival du Cinema Jeune, Paris, France, Bienal de La Imagen Movimiento, Buenos Aires, Argentina and the Melbourne Animation Festival, Melbourne, Australia. Her work has been produced with the support of the Canada Council for the Arts, Ontario Arts Council, and the Toronto Arts Council. She is a recipient of the Chalmers Arts Fellowship.
International residencies include Museum Quartier21 in Vienna, Austria, the Klondike Institute of Art and Culture in Yukon, NWT and the Independent Imaging Retreat in Durham, Ontario.
LOMAA would like to thank the Canada Council for the Arts and Ontario Arts Council for their support of this program. LOMAA’s Frames Film Series is supported through funding provided by London Arts Council.