Media Space/Media Place Session #3 – Production Techniques and the Need for Media Arts Collectives

LOMAA’s Media Space/Media Place series sessions were designed to foster opportunities for collaboration between media artists, media arts organizations, and curators.

Don’t miss this final session which will focus on producers, providing a comparison of different media arts organizations in Ontario. Questions regarding the long-term viability of creative spaces and strategies for sustainable collaboration and production will be addressed. Techniques, methodologies, and practice in light of social, cultural, political, and economic realities will be discussed.

Christine Negus, Independent Video Artist and Member of LOMAA
Roger D. Wilson, Windows Collective
Troy David Ouellette

The session will be held at LOMAA/VibraFusionLab at 355 Clarence Street from 1-5pm. There is a suggested donation of $5 or PWYC at the door.

To register for this session, RSVP here on Facebook or email

Presenter Bios:

Christine Negus is a multidisciplinary artist and writer employing humour and irony to investigate nostalgia and loss. Her works range from ephemeral objects, including glittery party banners, neon signs and artificially-flowered memorial wreaths, to single-channel animations and videos. Negus received her MFA in 2010 from Northwestern University and her BFA from Western University in 2008. She has exhibited her work both nationally and internationally, with notable exhibitions and screenings including the Montreal Underground Film Festival, Cambridge Galleries, Art Gallery of York University, Xpace Cultural Centre and the Images Festival where, in 2008, she won the National Film Board of Canada’s award for Best Emerging Video/Filmmaker. Her first solo exhibition, you can’t spell slaughter without laughter, opened in January 2012 at Gallery TPW. Negus’s short video “the loneliest animals” was included in the anthology Blast Counterblast edited by Anthony Elms and Steve Reinke.

An independent filmmaker, Roger Wilson received a degree in film production in 1993 from Confederation College in Thunder Bay, Ontario. His creative process is based on using techniques such as pixilation, time-lapse photography, cameraless animation, hand-processing and creating exhibition prints. Wilson is a founding member of The Windows Collective, a group of six Ottawa filmmakers who create and exhibit experimental film loops.

Moderator Bio:

Troy David Ouellette, PhD (York University), is an artist/researcher specializing in post-anthropocentric Assemblage theory. His practice has developed the concept of ‘particlism’ focusing on the behavior of materials at varying scales by exploring, non-human creativity. His visual work and writings describe how perception, insofar as it is an adaptive state of matter, plays-out in human and non-human creative acts. Ouellette is founding member of LOMAA and the sound art collective Audio Lodge.

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