OAC Grant Information Session for Media Arts, Craft, and Visual Arts
Learn about grants available to support your art practice. The grant application process, deadlines and support material.
How to draft clear, concise grant applications.
How grant decisions are made.
How juries are selected.
We are fortunate to have two Ontario Arts Council officers join us for this information session. Lisa Wöhrle – Associate Visual Arts and Craft Officer, and Mark Haslam – Media Arts Officer.
Please avoid the use of scents as we would like to offer a scent free environment.
The VibraFusionLab is wheelchair accessible, with accessible washrooms.
ASL interpretation will be provided upon request.
Childcare and/or attendant care will be available upon request.
If you require either of the above two services, please inform David Bobier at VibraFusionLab by January 21 of your accommodation request. Contact David by email david@vibrafusionlab.com or by phone at 226-272-5185
The session is free and advance registration is not required.
The session will be conducted in English only.Forest City Gallery, London Ontario Media Arts Association,
London Clay Art Centre, Print London, Museum London,
London Arts Council, and VibraFusionLab
Tuesday, January 27, 2015
7 to 9 pm
355 Clarence Street
London, Ontario