Queer Frontiers: Lainh Hrafn and Rin Vanderhaeghe
LOMAA is excited to welcome multidisciplinary artists Lainh Hrafn and Rin Vanderhaeghe for our third event in the Queer Frontiers series! Performing as “dolmantle,” Hrafn and Vanderhaeghe will be premiering new works and a prerecorded artist talk, both presented virtually on LOMAA’s Vimeo page.
Below you will find details about the program and artists. Please send a message to cnegus@lomaa.ca with questions on accessibility or viewing.
Online Video Screening:
Friday, August 6, 2021 to Monday, August 16, 2021
Access Vimeo link on https://vimeo.com/lomaa
Accessibility Note: Closed captioning available
Content Note: Themes of trauma, self-injury, and suicide are present
Online Artist Talk:
Friday, August 6 to Sunday, August 8, 2021
Access Vimeo link on https://vimeo.com/lomaa
Accessibility Note: Closed Captioning Available
From the Artists:
“simulacra: first day, second day, third day”
A trilogy of audio-visual works exploring a series of continuous realities between dreams and multiple consciousnesses, 2020-2021.
The dyad will arrange and perform a set of audio-visual pieces being released August 6- 16, 2021, in which the filamentous dreams and experiences of an off-planet labourer have begun threading themselves into the daily life and conscious memories of a queer person trying to survive a continuously augmenting world fully intent on erasing them; blurring each other’s realities in which One is living solely to become immortal, while the Other is living solely to die.
Lainh Hrafn is a Queer, Disabled, non-binary multidisciplinary artist.
A fascination with mass archival repositories led them to focus on anomalies found in corrupted information when transferring between formats and/or programs, and the relationships between power structures and their influence over data hoarding. Under the moniker “dolmantle,” Lainh composes live ambient performances using self-created cassette tape loops and Foley library, memory fragments, and speculative fiction. They are the creator of a multimedia undertaking the “NEPHILIM-verse continuum,” an alternate Earth where living machines have infiltrated the SOL system for reasons unknown.
Lainh was an inaugural recipient of the Forest City Gallery/TAP Centre for Creativity/BealArt Artist Residency program, focusing on personal relationships between intergenerational overaccumulation, the roles of religion and its subversion in rural southwestern Ontario during their childhood and youth, and the hidden consequences of silent/invisible disabilities. During the residency, they also held workshops about zine-making, DIY publishing methods, and the history of zines over the last century for secondary/post-secondary students in the BealArt program. Their work has been featured in the art magazine Broken Pencil, as well as multiple issues of the literary journal Acta Victoriana. Lainh resides in the Forest City with their partner/C.A.M.P. co-creator Rin Vanderhaeghe.
Rin Vanderhaeghe is a Queer, Disabled multidisciplinary artist and graduate of Western University with a degree in Studio Art and Anthropology.
They explore relationships between humans and nature, how nature persists within cities, and how urban wildlife interacts with and is perceived by society. Using a fairy- tale aesthetic, Rin weaves magic and history into every medium, including textile art dolls, sculpture, illustration, and music. Their art has been shown in galleries in Toronto and New York.
During the summer of 2019, Rin was part of Awakening: Earth-based Spirituality and Art; an art residency program at Artscape Gibraltar Point, Toronto Islands. While there, Rin explored ideas of Queer identity, and ways to better acknowledge and respect Indigenous land rights while connecting with nature on stolen land. Rin’s zine Forest City was shortlisted for Perzine of the Year award at the Broken Pencil International Zine Awards in 2018. The zine chronicles Rin’s experiences with untreated Selective Mutism, a childhood anxiety disorder characterized by an inability to speak. Rin co-founded Crow and Moon Press with their partner Lainh, self-publishing the nonfiction series Awesome Women of History, an ongoing historical reclamation project. Rin also lives with their two cat companions, Dante and Zim.
LOMAA’s Queer Frontiers critically reflects on Canada’s 50th anniversary celebration of the purported “decriminalization” of homosexuality in the country. Serving as a counter to the state revelries, LOMAA will host eight artists, artist duos, or curators who have established practices post-legislation and remain on the frontiers of Canadian queer media. This project centres queer narratives and praxis as a means to interrogate historical representation and continue fortifying queer futures within this country.
For more background information please visit: https://anti-69.ca/
LOMAA would like to thank Canada Council for the Arts, Ontario Arts Council and London Arts Council for their support of this program and their continued backing.